Shoes And Carpeting: Why These Two Common Items Should Never Meet


New carpeting is a joy for homeowners. It is a soft, fresh, clean base that warms the home and makes everything more comfortable. Good quality carpeting can last and look beautiful for years if it is taken care of properly. Annual deep cleaning treatments, vacuuming several times a week, and keeping food and drink away from the carpet are all important steps. However, people can do all of this and still cause tremendous damage without realizing it.

29 September 2016

How To Use Your Carpet Shampooer To More Effectively Remove Deep Odors From Your Carpet


Carpet can look beautiful in a home and feel plush under your feet, but its primary downfall is that over time, it tends to grab onto odors. Whether due to pet urine, walking across the carpet with dirty feet, or dropping bits of your dinner a few too many times, carpet odors can be tough to remove. Thankfully, you can use a home carpet shampooer to help you out. Follow these steps:

21 September 2016

Need Routine Office Cleaning But Want To Keep Costs Down? 3 Simple Tips To Follow


Running a successful business with happy employees has a number of requirements, and one of them is providing your workers with a clean office at all times. While small offices can run as little as $20 to $30 each visit for cleanings, you may have a lot space that must be cleaned regularly. But, saving money is sometimes just as important as making money, so you may want to keep the costs to a minimum.

11 August 2016

Three Services You Should Have Completed Before Moving into a Home That Has Been Vacant


Moving into a home that's been vacant for a while can be a great deal financially, but it's important to remember that the home will probably need some attention and cleaning before you inhabit it. Here's a look at three services you'll want to have performed before moving in. Air-Duct Cleaning As the home has sat uninhabited, dust and dirt have likely built up in the air ducts. If you turn the air conditioning or heating on, this debris will blow out and get all over your home, possibly causing allergy symptoms and surely making your possessions dirty.

25 July 2016

The Abcs Of Hiring A Home Cleaning Service For An Elderly Relative With Alzheimer's Disease


Simply performing the everyday care of an elderly loved one can be a lot of work, which means there can be little time for cleaning. While hiring a cleaning service to help you keep your family member's home clean is a good idea, there are special rules involved when your relative has Alzheimer's disease. The last thing you want to do is allow strange people in the home to clean and cause them any disconcert.

15 July 2016

Problems You May Face with Clogged Gutters


Are you the owner of a relatively large home? Does it seem like you're constantly pulling leaves and other debris out of your gutters? If you have an extensive gutter system, it can be tempting to skip cleaning them out every so often. Unfortunately, that may not be a very good idea. Here are some reasons why. Basement leaks: Your gutter system has been designed to move large amounts of water from your roof to a point away from your foundation.

14 July 2016

How To Clean Tile And Grout Lines


Tile is a very durable and long-lasting product. Of course, this does not mean that it does not require regular maintenance. In fact, if a tile floor is not properly resealed every few years, you run the risk of an unstable floor, loose tiles and even mold problems. Most of these are actually caused by the grout line deteriorating due to failure to keep the floor sealed. The grout is usually the first thing to go.

8 July 2016

Are You Often Busy All Day? 4 Things You Can Do In A Matter Of Seconds To Keep Your Carpet Clean


Whether you work long hours or even multiple jobs, you may not have much time in a day to dedicate to cleaning. So, the smart thing to do is focus on what you can do to minimize the need to clean. Not vacuuming on a regular basis can lead to dirt particles getting deeper and deeper into the carpet fibers. You need to find an alternative that is not going to cost you in early carpet replacement down the line.

4 July 2016

Carpet-Saving Tips For The Summer


When the summer heats up, this can bring along with it a whole new host of problems for your carpeting. Keeping carpets free from damage and spills can be a year-round struggle, but there are summer specific pitfalls you might encounter. Here are four problems your carpets might face in the summer months, and tips that can save your carpeting from spills and damage. 1. Increased Entertaining You might have more time in the summer to entertain guests when the days are longer and people have time off.

11 May 2016

Avoid These Common Mistakes When Cleaning Your Office


If you own a business, you might decide that you want to keep the office clean on your own. Unfortunately, when you are in charge of cleaning it yourself, it often leads to some common mistakes. Here are some mistakes to try and avoid so that you can have a clean and disinfected office. You Clean the Windows on the Wrong Day When you are cleaning the windows, either inside or outside the windows, you need to make sure you don't clean them on a hot or sunny day.

10 May 2016